

~ for the whole body, whole family ~

Natren, Inc., the leading manufacturer of pharmaceutical grade quality probiotics. Traditional Western medicine tries to cure everything using ANTIbiotics (which is the exact opposite of what PRObiotics do). Probiotics support the production of "friendly" bacteria in our body, which help maintain our health at an optimal level, supporting our digestive and immune systems.

Natren's difference - 

  • Only NATREN offers pharmaceutical-grade quality probiotics
  • Only NATREN is microbiologically pure & contaminant-free
  • Only NATREN arrives to you cold, to ensure maximum potency
  • Only NATREN researches, formulates & manufactures its own probiotics

Natren guarantees 100% colony forming units (cfu) potency through the printed expiration date (not just at time of manufacture).

Certified Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
By a third party international agency

Come with 30 years of focused,rigorous scientific research and technology from leading scientists and researchers in the field of probiotics

Stored and shipped refrigerated
Natren is shipped in cool conditions and refrigerated .

Learn about probiotics in 9 quick tutorials of only a few minutes each. These are easy to listen to and understand. Here you can expand your knowledge about microbes, your gut and probiotics.

Probiotics for healthy life

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~ The best in probiotics for you ~

  • Supernatant Advantage

    Manufacturing a probiotic involves growing bacteria on specialised food called the growth medium. This original food source supplies the bacteria with the best nutrients for their growth. Once the bacteria have grown, Natren keeps this growth medium also called the supernatant in their finished probiotic product. Leaving the supernatant in is advantageous as it can help buffer and protect the bacteria from our stomach acid. If you take it away from the bacteria the bacteria are not as protected. Also as the bacteria grow and eat the original food, they make their own vital micronutrients which become part of this medium making the supernatant excellent and rich for our health. Research has proven that probiotics with their supernatant intact are up to 50% more effective than probiotics without the supernatant.

  • Special Packaging

    Probiotics are living creatures and need to be protected by harsh environments which can damage them such as heat, light and moisture. Natren uses only dark glass bottles with tin lids to protect them from harmful light and moisture. Plastic bottles allow moisture to get into the bottle contributing to a loss of potency of live bacteria.  Natren Probiotics are to be stored refrigerated and are shipped in chilly (eski) bins with commercial grade gel ice packs to keep them cool.

    Some brands do not require refrigeration if their manufacture guarantees potency at ambient temperature.

  • Tested Super Strains

    Be aware that all supplements containing beneficial bacteria are not created equal. Selected super strains of bacteria that are derived from human origin are the only choice to obtain the many benefits of probiotics. Natren uses only tested powerful, super strains. These strains are scientifically documented in numerous published researched articles. To be a super strain, the probiotic must be isolated, identified and proven to be beneficial to human health. Natren doesn’t use any ingredients produced by biotechnology, and as a result, uses only naturally occurring strains with no artificial genetic manipulation. Natren strains have been repeatedly been shown to be safe even when administered in large amounts. These are bacteria that have the ability to inhibit undesirable microorganisms by producing bacteriocins and hydrogen peroxide.  With L.acidophilus for example, there are over 200 different strains, each with different strengths and abilities in how beneficial they will be to our health. Natren’s super strains are L.acidophilus NAS and L.acidophilus DDS-1 and they demonstrate increased production of hydrogen peroxide. Today we are dealing with stronger undesirable bad bacteria, and therefore we need strong, capable beneficial bacteria to engage in competitive exclusion.

  • Certified Manufacturing Procedures

    This is the distinguishing feature makes Natren one of the best! Natren is a leading manufacturer of pharmaceutical grade quality probiotics. Why do we know this? By certifying your manufacturing processes where every step is checked to a recognised standard by a third party government agency. For NZ this independent auditing by a governmental agency is under the Australian Therapeutics Goods Agency. It gives International Pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practice certification called cGMP to Natren ensuring that the product has been tested for potency, purity, safety, strain identification and stability in all stages form the first culturing of the bacteria through to the expiration date. This recognition is only given to manufacturers that follow pharmaceutical standards in preparation and production of a product. Before a product can be released for sale, it must go through three rigorous quality control tests in- house and at independent labs. As pharmacists we understand the importance of a product having cGMP. Natren manufactures in their own state-of-the-art facility so that they can control the quality from start to finish.

Natren Bifidonate - Dairy Free STEP TWO (60 capsules)

STEP TWO — The Large Intestine Support System Bifidonate® is step two in Natren®’s easy-to-use three-step system for optimal internal wellness. Bifidonate® contains Bifidobacterium bifidum Malyoth super strain, 2 billion cfu per 1/2 teaspoon of powder or 1 capsule. Bifidobacterium bifidum Malyoth...


Natren Bifidonate - Dairy STEP TWO (127.6g powder)

STEP TWO — The Large Intestine Support System Bifidonate® is step two in Natren®’s easy-to-use three-step system for optimal internal wellness. Bifidonate® contains Bifidobacterium bifidum Malyoth super strain, 2 billion cfu per 1/2 teaspoon of powder or 1 capsule. Bifidobacterium bifidum Malyoth...


Natren Bulgaricum Dairy Free STEP THREE (60 capsules)

STEP THREE — The All Natural Digestion System Bulgaricum® is step three in Natren®’s easy-to-use three-step system for optimal internal wellness. Bulgaricum® contains Lactobacillus bulgaricus LB-51 super strain, 2 billion cfu per 1/2 teaspoon. Lactobacillus bulgaricus LB-51 super strain is the na...


Natren Bulgaricum - Dairy STEP THREE (70.6g powder)

STEP THREE — The All Natural Digestion System Bulgaricum® is step three in Natren®’s easy-to-use three-step system for optimal internal wellness. Bulgaricum® contains Lactobacillus bulgaricus LB-51 super strain, 2 billion cfu per 1/2 teaspoon. Lactobacillus bulgaricus LB-51 super strain is the na...


Natren CanineDophilus (20ml) probiotic syringe for dogs .

PREORDER - ARRIVING MID APRIL 2021Veterinarian Recommended Just as probiotics are a vital part of a healthy foundation for humans, they are an equally important factor in keeping animals healthy. Natren® introduces three probiotic foods for animals: one for dogs, one for cats and one for horses. ...


Natren FelineDophilus (20ml) Probiotic syringe for cats .

Veterinarian Recommended Just as probiotics are a vital part of a healthy foundation for humans, they are an equally important factor in keeping animals healthy. Natren® introduces three probiotic foods for animals: one for dogs, one for cats and one for horses. Canine Dophilus. - is highly e...


Natren Life Start - Dairy (35.5g powder)

Beneficial bacteria is important for people of all ages, including infants. Natren®produces a probiotic product designed specifically for infants. Life Start® is made with Bifidobacterium infantis, the beneficial bacteria which is most prominent in infants.Babies born vaginally to healthy mothers re...


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Natren Life Start - Dairy (70.6g powder)

Beneficial bacteria is important for people of all ages, including infants. Natren®produces a probiotic product designed specifically for infants. Life Start® is made with Bifidobacterium infantis, the beneficial bacteria which is most prominent in infants.Babies born vaginally to healthy mothers re...


Natren Superdophilus - Dairy Free STEP ONE (60 capsules)

STEP ONE The Small Intestine Support SystemNatren Superdophilus® is step one in Natren®’s easy-to-use three-step system for optimal internal wellness. Cultured with Lactobacillus acidophilus from  super strain  vegan vegetarian formula NAS super strain dairy-free formula, this high-potency product ...


Natren Superdophilus - Dairy Free STEP ONE (85g Powder)

STEP ONE The Small Intestine Support System Superdophilus® is step one in Natren®’s easy-to-use three-step system for optimal internal wellness. Cultured with Lactobacillus acidophilus from either a super strain DDS-1 dairy or vegan vegetarian formula or an NAS super strain dairy-free formula, thi...


Which Natren product for me?

In order to accommodate all 9 to 11 metres (27 to 33 feet) of intestinal tract, Natren developed different products to target each individual area.

Trenev Trio Capsules: most potent probiotic available, small and large intestine, bowel, vaginal and urinary tract health
Superdophilus: small intestine, urinary and vaginal tract health
Bifidonate: large intestine (colon) health, supports liver
Bulgaricum: small and large intestine, bowel, vaginal and urinary tract health, digestive aid, scavenger that cleans up the GI tract
Life Start: babies to children up to 5 years, breastfeeding, pregnant
Yoghurt Starter: to make yoghurt at home.

For every day use, you can use all three of Natrens super strain Probiotics at one time or you can choose one bacteria for a month eg Step One, and when finished start on the next eg Step Two and so on, rotating between Step One , Step Two and Step Three. For
professional advice call us on 09 5283391 or email

Shall I take Capsules or powders?

The capsules contain the same freeze-dried probiotics as the powders. The powders allow you to use the amount you desire at any one time and there is no capsule to digest. Many customers love the powders- just add to liquid, preferably water. The capsules offer the convenience of a pre-measured serving, and can be handled easily when travelling. The difference between powders and capsules is that the powder starts to work in the mouth and down the oesophagus. The advantage of the powder is that it is instantaneous. It is especially useful for those with digestive problems, acid reflux, food poisoning episodes, and possibly other abdominal pains. See below dairy or dairy- free?

Or Trenev Trio?

Bacteria don’t play well together – they are competitive meaning they will compete for food and space if you put them together. So mixing bacteria’s together in a capsule will only work if they are kept separate. Natren created Trenev Trio capsules using an oil matrix delivery system which means the bacteria are enrobed by the matrix, so are kept separate, and pass safely through the stomach unscathed arriving to the small intestine ready to do their work. This is virtually 100% survivability for over an hour in a very corrosive environment. Once the bacteria are released they are ready to colonise along the intestinal wall to provide the ultimate digestive support. Trenev Trio is Natren’s most potent and popular product. Each non-dairy probiotic capsule contains a minimum of 30 billion colony forming units (cfu) of three potent, super strains of beneficial bacteria. One or more capsules taken once a day is convenient. Read more about what Trenev Trio can do for you here (put link to Trenev Trio capsules)

Dairy or Dairy- Free?

Capsules are dairy-free only; powders come in dairy free or dairy. This refers to the food the bacteria eat while they grow. Bacteria loves to grow on dairy so they make a great product, and the Natren blue label dairy powders are a long time loved favourite of customers. However Natren’s dairy-free products are designed for people who cannot tolerate milk protein and for those who choose a dairy-free lifestyle and are vegan. The dairy-free capsules contain certified organically grown chickpea extract, cellulose powder and dehydrated potato powder. The dairy free powder is chick pea only (no potato) and Trenev Trio is sunflower oil (no potato or chick pea). Goat’s milk is still considered a dairy product; however, some people with sensitive digestive systems find it easier to digest. (Life Start 2)

Trouble digesting dairy foods? Lactose Intolerant?

Lactose intolerance is the body’s inability to digest lactose – a sugar found in milk. Those with this condition are missing the enzyme lactase, which is needed to break down lactose into simple sugars that the body can use. When a person with this condition drinks milk or consumes a milk product, some or all of the product’s lactose remains undigested in the intestinal tract. Here, the undigested lactose ferments and commonly causes bloating, abdominal cramps, and diarrhoea. Lactose intolerance causes discomfort, and can be avoided by staying away from foods that contain lactose – primarily dairy products. Good news is that the wise use of Natren probiotics can help those who are lactose intolerant. You can choose Natren’s dairy free powder or capsules or try the following programme: It is best to start with dairy-based Natren probiotic products, as they produce the most lactase, which is necessary to help your body digest the lactose in milk and milk products. Use Superdophilus Dairy, Bifidonate Dairy, and Bulgaricum Dairy which produce lactase to help digest milk and milk products. It is best to start with very small amounts of probiotics and increase the amounts gradually. Start with 1/8 th teaspoon of Superdophilus, Bifidonate and Bulgaricum mixed in half a glass of water, taken once a day before any meal. Gradually increase the amount to 1⁄4 teaspoon of each powder, then to 1/2 a teaspoon of each powder. Slowly start to re-introduce a small amount of a dairy food into your diet. Then add another dairy product in a little amount. If symptoms of lactose intolerance start, stop the dairy products and re-introduce later after you have taken probiotics for a longer time.

For Babies and children?

Life Start is the preferred, specially formulated probiotic for infants and toddlers up to the age of four to five, breastfeeding and pregnant mothers. It can be used successfully by people of all ages or were born by Caesarean Section or were not breast-fed. If you want dairy free, use Life Start Vegan. If you want s goat milk version, use Life Start 2. Life Start can be used from birth. Natren has been manufacturing Life Start infant probiotics for over 20 years. This children’s probiotic powder was specifically formulated for a baby’s developing gastrointestinal tract. Older children can use the other Natren Probiotic powders and capsules if the can swallow them.

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A double-blind, randomised trial of a polyphenolic- rich nail bed balm for chemotherapy induced oncycholysis: The UK Polybalm trial.


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