

Pomi-T® is manufactured in the EU for Helsinn Integrative Care, Switzerland. Unlike many other supplement manufacturers we use fully accountable, quality assured products and perform our own laboratory analysis of each ingredient to ensure it is pure and free from contaminants.

What is Pomi-T ?
Pomi-T capsules contain purified active ingredients of Broccoli, Pomegranate, Tumeric and Green Tea. Unlike many other supplement manufacturers Pomi-T uses fully accountable, quality assured products and perform their own laboratory analysis of each ingredient to ensure it is pure and free from contaminants.

•    Broccoli (Brassica Oleracea) florets and stacks – 150mg per capsule
•    Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) root – 150mg per capsule
•    Pomegranate (Punica Granatum L) seed and whole fruit – 150mg per capsule
•    Green Tea (Camellia Sinesis) leaf 5 : 1 – 30mg equivalent to 150mg per capsule

Recommended Intake

Pomi-T® is not a drug so there is no specific dosage and it is designed to be taken as part of a healthy balanced diet.

Daily dosage therefore depends on your food intake for that day. For example, a
day with a good diet including plenty of dark green vegetables, berries, fruit and teas would only require one tablet day, whereas, on an average day then 2-3 would be better.

Pomi-T Products

What are Polyphenols?

Polyphenols are natural plant-based chemicals found in healthy foods and even though they strictly come under the “flavonoid” group they are generally now used to describe any phytochemical which has potential health benefits. They were often referred to as anti-oxidants.

There are hundreds of different polyphenols known to mankind and here are many of the common ones below – our plant foods are diverse in the healthy plant chemicals they contain. It is clear from this list that foods with the highest polyphenol content include herbs, spices, teas, fruit, vegetables berries, prunes, flaxseed, linseeds, nuts, dark greens, cruciferous, brightly coloured vegetables, berries, fruits and grains and nuts.

Here are some examples of the more commonly recognised categories:

  • Beta-carotene (carrots, peaches, apricots, spinach and cantaloupe)
  • Cryptoxanthin (oranges, papaya, peaches and tangerines)
  • Lycopene (tomatoes, chilli, watermelon and pink grapefruit)
  • Lutein (Spinach kale, red pepper, okra
  • Zeaxanthin (corn, broccoli, spinach, red pepper, peas, kale,  celery)

Natural Monopherols:

  • Apiole (Parsley)
  • Carnosol (Rosemary)
  • Dillapiole (Dill)


  • Isothiocyanate and its metabolite sulforaphane (Broccoli)
  • Diallyl disulfide (Garlic)


  • Isolavone phyooestrogens, e.g. Daidzein, Genistein, Glycitein (Soy, peanuts, legums)
  • Flavonols e.g. Kaempferol (broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables)
  • Flavonol polymers e.g. Catechin (cocoa and chocolate)
  • Flavan-3-ols (epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) – green tea)
  • Stilbenoids e.g resveratol (grapes and red wine)

Phenolic Acids:

  • Chlorogenic acid (coffee)
  • Ellagic acid (Pomegranate, raspberries and strawberries)
  • Benzoic acids (hydroxybenzoic acid, gallic acid)
  • Cinnamic acid (apples, wheat, articoke)
  • Salicylic acid (bark of Willow trees most fruit and veg)

Nonflavonoid phenolics

  • Curcumin – a root herb
  • Capsaisin – chilli
  • Piperine – pepper

Why wholefood supplements?

Two types of supplements are available: one is made from chemicals extracted from food or is made synthetically which are called vitamin and minerals. The other is supplements made from concentrating whole foods. If these foods have good benefits, then a supplement made from them is a good way to improve a poor diet or for someone not eating enough of these foods. They can also enhance a good diet with the benefits they provide to make the diet better.

The majority of studies, to date, have studied extracted chemicals which is the first group: vitamins and minerals. Some have shown a benefit.

More recently academic attention has turned towards the study of concentrated whole food supplements, particularly foods rich in polyphenols and other phytochemicals such as herbs, spices, green vegetables, teas and colourful fruits which have appeared to be beneficial in environmental studies.

Pomi-T capsules is an example. So far, it has been the centre of the largest trial analysing phytochemical-rich food extracts.  This study combined four different food types (pomegranate, green tea, broccoli and turmeric) in order to provide a wide spectrum of synergistically acting nutrients, whilst at the same time avoiding over-consumption of one particular phytochemical which may happen. eg if you take a full strength turmeric capsule the body response will be different than the level of tumeric provided in Pomi-T.

In the UK, the Institute  has plans to include Pomi-T supplement into another study.

Reference. Hercberg S , et al. The SU.VI.MAX Study: a RCT of the health effects of antioxidant vitamins and minerals. Archives of Internal Medicine 2004;164(21): 2335-42.

What For?

Diets rich in polyphenols, the natural plant-based phytochemicals found in healthy foods, have been linked with better health.  Well-conducted population studies have also linked their regular intake with improved health.   A healthy lifestyle including a polyphenol rich diet has been linked to better health.

Tested and Trusted

How can you trust the claims about how good a supplement is ? Just because you are told its good or the advert or label looks promising does not follow that it is to be trusted. If it has been studied in a trial, the quality of evidence provided by the study needs to be assessed. Not all scientific studies are of the same standard and equal. Some trials may be poorly designed and the results need to be dismissed. The “gold standard” of studies is a randomised double blind placebo controlled trial. If a product has this gold standard study then you can trust it is at the top and its results are taken seriously!

Pomi-T is the only available polyphenol rich food supplement which has been clinically evaluated in a double blind, placebo, controlled, government approved randomised trial adhering to EU Good Clinical Practice, ethical guidelines. Very few natural supplements have been tested to this level. Pomi-T’s trial is the gold standard can be trusted. What do all these words mean……?

Clinical trials are studies in which humans are exposed to “something” and followed for a defined outcome. Efficacy is assessed.
Randomised trials are studies in which individuals are randomly assigned (by chance) to a group without any bias or judgement giving the greatest reliability and validity.
Placebo controlled are studies which have a group of people who take an inert compound that has no known activity as well as a group of people who take the active compound. It is used to determine if any effect is due to the treatment rather than the act of being treated.
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international ethical and scientific quality standard for the design, conduct, performance, monitoring, auditing, recording, analyses and reporting of clinical trials. It also serves to protect the rights, integrity and confidentiality of trial subjects. It enforces tight guidelines on ethical aspects of a clinical study- if you don’t have these guidelines then you cannot not whether a study or trial or the product that is tested is worthwhile. It aims to ensure the study is authentic- same as we want to know that a product is authentic.

Pomi-T has the gold standard of trust.

What are phytochemicals?

Phytochemicals are natural chemicals that plants make which serve many different functions for the plants healthy life. They can help keep plants from getting diseases from invading bacteria’s or fungi, and they can repel pests. They supply a plant its colour eg lycopene in red tomatoes, its aroma like allicin in garlic, or its taste like menthol in mint leaves.

As well as these pleasant attributes, eating a higher intake of phytochemical rich foods such as colourful fruits, vegetables, herbs, pulses, spices and teas is associated with improved health. The international evidence for their health properties and other benefits is well documented. Wellbeing programmes highlight the importance of phytochemical rich diets, along with other lifestyle factors with guidelines from influential organisations. By concentrating these foods or extracted elements of these foods into nutritional supplements gives an opportunity to boost their beneficial health effects.

Potential properties of phytochemicals?

1. Antioxidant properties. The most quoted health attribute involves their antioxidant activity. A number of clinical studies have highlighted the antioxidant properties of phytochemicals.

2. Reducing  inflammation. Another key healthy property of phytochemicals appears to be their ability to reduce inappropriate inflammation. It is now well established that inflammation is intimately involved in ourhealth. Inflammation is closely associated with oxidative stress. 


Some common questions we have received since the launch of Pomi-T®.

If these still do not answer your question please feel free to contact us.

Q. Are you sure the ingredients are genuine and free from contaminant?
A. Absolutely – the manufacturers have a long and strong history of quality assurance and compliance with international standards. They also do their own in-house analysis of each ingredient looking for purity and authenticity. As Pomi-T was designed to be part of a national scientific study this quality assurance even included a mass spectrometry analysis from an independent University.

Q. Does Pomi-T® contain any additives?
A. There are no preservatives, colours or flavours.
Pomi-T® does not contain sugar unlike pomegranate juice which can contain a lot of sugar.

Q. What are the equivalent whole foods in Pomi-T ®?
A. Broccoli: dried vegetable extract to whole broccoli is 1 : 5 so 150mg = 750mg of broccoli.
Pomegranate: squeezed fruit to powder looses a further 10% water so 150mg is approx. 170mg of pomegranate.
Green tea: 30mg powder is equivalent to 150mg herb.
Turmeric: dried whole powder.

Q. Why was Pomi-T® developed ?
A. It was design by a panel of doctors, scientists and nutritionist lead by an oncologist from Cambridge University UK specifically for a national randomised control trial. As well as their own research the panel looked how the polyphenols within these ingredients could work together to have a synergistic benefits.

Q. What is in Pomi-T ®?
A. A capsule containing green tea, pomegranate seed extract, broccoli extract and turmeric.

Q. What are the health benefits of polyphenol rich diets?
A. Diets rich in polyphenols, the natural plant-based phytochemicals found in healthy foods, have been linked with better health.

Q. Is there any published scientific evidence of a benefit for Pomi-T®?
A. The Food and Drug Authority (FDA) and the UK’s Medicines and Health Regulatory Authority (MHRA) and MEDSAFE NZ, has classed Pomi-T® as a food supplement and not a medicinal product so it cannot be recommended for any medical condition or claim any health benefits. Pomi-T® is in a unique position that it was evaluated in a national scientific study, a double blind placebo controlled randomised trial.

Q. What is the recommended intake?
A. Pomi-T® is not a drug so there is no specific dosage and it is designed to be taken as part of a healthy balanced diet. Daily dosage depends on the food intake for that day. For example, a day with a good diet including plenty of dark green vegetables, berries, fruit and teas would only require one tablet, whereas, on an average day then 2-3 would be better.

Q. Can Pomi-T® be taken by diabetics?
A. Pomi-T® can be taken by diabetics.

Q. Does Pomi-T® have to be taken with food?
A. It doesn’t really matter but in the <5% who previously reported some mild indigestion it disappeared if they then took it with food. Taking Pomi-T® with a fish oil tablet may increase the absorption of the turmeric also this was not required for the study.

Q. How can you increase the absorption and bioavailablity of the ingredients of Pomi-T®.
A. The absorption of curcumin is increased by taking it with oily foods such as a good quality fish oil. The bioavailability of all four ingredients but particularly curcumin is increased by pepper so be very generous with pepper during meal times and take Pomi-T® with or around meal times.
Although we do not heat the broccoli to very high temperatures during development, there are reported that one of the polyphenols, myrosinase, is sensitive to heat. This does not apply to the main polyphenol sulforaphane and this is one of the main healthy ingredients. Myrosinase is known to activate sulforaphane so it would be a good idea to eat some raw cruciferous veg with pomi-t and meals in general (e.g radishes).

Q. Can I take Pomi-T® have if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
A. There is no evidence that turmeric, broccoli, pomegranate or green tea adversely affects pregnancy, although the safety of these supplements in pregnancy and lactation has not been established. Therefore do not take until you have discussed it with your Doctor or Midwife.

Q. What are the side effects of Pomi-T®?
A. Independent scientific analysis from the Pomi-T® trial showed no statistically significant difference in side effects between Pomi-T® and placebo.

Q. Does Pomi-T® interact with other drugs?
A. Like some other fruit juices, pomegranate has a potential interaction with some drugs. There is, therefore, a small potential risk of reducing the metabolism and thereby increasing serum levels of medicines such as warfarin, anti-hypertensives such as captopril and ramipril, or anti-convulsants such as carbamazepine. Individuals on warfarin or these blood pressure tablets are not excluded from taking Pomi-T and no adverse changes in blood pressure or INR were reported in men taking ramipril or warfarin in the Pomi-T study, but it is advisable to contact your Doctor before taking Pomi-T and repeat a blood pressure and an INR test within two weeks of starting Pomi-T.

Q. Can I take Pomi-T® during chemotherapy?
A. A laboratory test using cells in petri dishes suggest that high doses of polyphenols can have anti-oxidant activity which may potentially reduce the action of chemotherapy. This has not actually been substantiated in humans and there are ongoing studies registered with the National Cancer Institute to try to find out if they can reduce side effects of chemotherapy without reducing the effect. In view of this potential interaction, until this issue has been scientifically resolved, consumption of Pomi-T® is best avoided 1 day before and 3 days after the administration of chemotherapy medication.

Q. How could Pomi-T® have a healthy  effect?
A. Polyphenol rich food extracts have demonstrated healthy attributes in laboratory studies, particularly the four within Pomi-T . The ingredients have been specifically selected not to have any hormonal (phytoestrogenic) effects but they do have some reported antioxidant properties. Benefits in humans of polyphenol supplements have been limited to small non-randomised studies except the Pomi-T study which showed a significant benefit of this specific polyphenol blend.

Q. Why were these four ingredients combined by the trial design committee?
A. The hypothesis of the specific food blend within Pomi-T is that combining foods from different categories (fruit, vegetable, spice and leaf) provides a broad range of polyphenols, each with their unique properties, whilst at the same time avoiding over-consumption of one particular type which could lead to excess if taken in the long term.

Q. What is  property that the four Pomi-T ingredients have in common.
A.  All 4 ingredients are polyphenols and polyphenols have an action against inflammation.

Q. What other lifestyle factors can I consider to help me?
A. It must be remembered that, taking Pomi-T regularly is only one part of a healthy lifestyle programme; the most relevant evidence based self help strategies include exercising more than 3 hours a week, maintaining a normal weight, optimising your micronutrient levels, stopping smoking, avoid carcinogens in food and the environment and eating plenty of herbs, spices, green vegetables and colourful fruits and berries.

Q. Should I take Pomi-T® at a certain time of day?
A. Pomi-T® can be at a dosage of one capsule twice a day. You can take it with or without food, but those with sensitive stomachs are recommended to take it after food, for example after breakfast and after lunch which will give you protection throughout the day.

Q. Are the ingredients organic?
A. These are completely natural products but we cannot claim they are registered with the relevant organic certification bodies within the source countries. Helsinn tests the raw material to a zero tolerance level of herbicides and pesticides, rejecting batches that have any level of wither pesticides or herbicides.

Q. Can I take Pomi-T® with my usual supplements such as probiotics, glucosamine, barley grass and fish oil or evening primrose oil etc. If I take Pomi-T®, can I still take these supplements? Can Pomi-T® replace all these supplements? If not, can I take all these supplements with Pomi-T® at the same time?
A. Yes, you can continue to take your usual supplements. Pomi-T® is meant to be taken as part of a healthy diet. The formulation of Pomi-T® is different from most other supplements, and it is not meant to replace other supplements. Avoid taking Pomi-T® at the same time as supplements that are meant to be taken apart from food eg Green Magma Barley Grass.

Q. Can food supplements be taken together with medicinal products?
A. Since Pomi-T® contains only 4 whole food ingredients, if your doctor has not advised you to take any particular types of foods apart from your medicines, it is unlikely that you will need to take any special precautions.

Q. Are there any concerns with taking Pomi-T® while I am on prescription medications?
A. The doses of ingredients in Pomi-T® are unlikely to cause any practical issues with taking Pomi-T® while on prescription medications. However as a precaution, if you are on warfarin, please let your doctor know before taking Pomi-T®. It is advised to monitor INR levels within the first 2 weeks of starting Pomi-T®. Study participants who were on warfarin in the Pomi-T study did not experience problems from drug interactions.

Q. If I am sensitive to caffeine, can I still take Pomi-T®?
A. You may still consider taking Pomi-T®, as the amount of caffeine due to its green tea content is very low. A Pomi-T® capsule contains the equivalent of 150mg of green tea with 2.4 mg of caffeine. For reference, a cup of decaffeinated coffee has 2-12 mg caffeine, and a can of coke has 32 mg caffeine.
If you have an allergy to caffeine, i.e. develop hives, rashes, difficulty breathing, then do not take Pomi-T.

Q. How long will it take for me to feel the effects of the supplements?
A. Just as the effects of a healthy diet are long term and are seen over a lifetime, it is difficult to say when you would feel an observable effect from supplements. However, we do know that it is always important to maintain a balanced diet for good health.

Q. Do I have to take Pomi-T® every day? Can I take every alternate day?
A. Polyphenols act as antioxidants and provide the healthy effects especially against inflammation contained in fruits and vegetables. They protect cells and body chemicals against tissue damage caused by free radicals. Hence, one is strongly recommended to consumer Pomi-T® daily.

Q. If I cannot consume capsules, what are the other alternatives to take Pomi-T®?
A. You can open the capsule and pour the ingredients onto your food.

Q. Storage. Do I have to keep Pomi-T® in the refrigerator?
A. Pomi-T® should be stored in a cool dry place, on the bench or in a cupboard away from light. Storage in the refrigerator is acceptable.