Medication attends to the problem, probiotics make the host stronger

A concept I've come across more and more in the research I've read lately is the notion that our medical system isn't always in sync with what research shows. The medical system is based around drugs, diagnostic tools, and interventions such as surgery. These are great when you need them and essential in emergency situations but sometimes there are more beneficial discoveries than what the medical system can keep up with at one time.
This makes it more important to keep up to date with research because it can be years before a solution makes its way into the medical world. Supplements, holistic techniques and lifestyle changes tend to be trialled by those of us in search of early intervention before they become popular enough to make their way into the medical world. An example of this is the way our medical systems focus on bacteria, viruses and fungi when they enter us, as they have medication for this. The solution they offer is a fix for the problem rather than a preventative measure. Whereas, current research says diagnosis should focus on the host (you).
We should be finding out how the host is compromised, what is making them compromised and how to fix it. Strengthening yourself can be as simple as taking a hot shower after being out in the cold or making healthier eating choices. If you find yourself falling sick often, build your immunity. Try taking a probiotic so that the next time you get stressed or overtired, it doesn't take a toll on your immune system. Viruses, bacteria and fungi will always be around, choose to strengthen yourself rather than waiting to get sick before you intervene.