Cholesterol Balance

Balance your cholesterol with beta-glucans.
Cholesterol balance with oat beta-glucans is a herbal combination preparation developed according to the latest research that can naturally balance your cholesterol levels in the blood. Balancing high cholesterol levels in the blood can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
With the oat beta-glucans contained in Cholesterol Balance, you can balance your blood cholesterol level in a completely natural way. This makes the product suitable for all people who want to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by balancing their high cholesterol level. It is now undisputed that blood fats, and especially cholesterol, play an important role in the development of vascular diseases and heart attacks.
Dr. Wolz uses a very special type of oat from Scandinavia with a particularly high proportion of cholesterol-balancing beta-glucans. There in the far north it finds optimal conditions for ripening. During the growth phase it needs a moist, cool climate with plenty of rain and sunshine, as well as plenty of light and long days during the ripening period. Only the combination of a special type of oat with the Nordic climate and its special processing results in the desired high beta-glucan content in oats of around 22 percent. Commercially available oats, on the other hand, only contain 3 to around 5 percent. The cholesterol-balancing effect of daily consumption of 3 g of oat beta-glucan has been proven in many clinical trials.